The film that was equal parts inspiration, experimentation, and gumption has had a phenomenal festival run. A few of the festivals that...
Author Archives: vupham

The Development of SOTK into a Feature Film Yields Three Fresh Works
My Brother (formerly Sway of the Knife, short film), a 21-minute film by Vu Pham is currently in post-production. A screening of it is...

Sway Wraps Winter Shoot and All Eyes are on the Sweet Nectars of Summer
We are proud to announce that after 5 days of production in February, 2013, SOTK has completed its first phase of production! Only...

Vu Pham Receives a Grant from RACC!
On December 20, 2012, the Regional Arts and Culture Council announces that writer/director Vu Pham will be awarded an Individual Artistic...

Creative Cross Pollination Strikes Again on David Sedaris’s C.O.G.!
Writer/director Vu Pham is cast as “Dennis,” a factory manager in the first ever screen adaptation of a David Sedaris work and...

Sway of the Knife Exceeds Kickstarter Goal!
After a 30 day intensive campaigning process, Sway of the Knife met its goal of $6000 on 10/17/12 with less than 24 hours to go! By its...